
Managing when profit comes second

When you pay your employees you can exercise control over them. But how do you exercise control over an organisation whose membership is largely compromised of unpaid volunteers? Not-for-profit organisations have to take other levers of control much more seriously – levers such as internal culture, organisational values, communication strategy, and governance structures and processes fit for the particular focus of the organisation. 

Solutions for organisations involving people who care

Not-for-profit organisations tend not to be owner-managed, but like owner-managed businesses, they are often founder-controlled, and are run by people who care deeply about the purpose of the organisation, and who are motivated by more than money. Solutions for such organisations need to embrace this complexity of purpose if they are to work effectively and efficiently.

Where we come in

Not-for-profit organisations frequently have challenges when organising management and governance arrangements for the present and when planning for their futures. Often the challenges are exacerbated by the fact that the advice most readily to hand comes from organisations who know little about the realities of managing a not-for-profit. If you want to talk to some people who both understand and care, why not get in touch?

Client Stories

Strategy review for not-for-profit

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Governance review for not-for-profit

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Accountants understand numbers but not people. HR professionals understand people but not numbers. We appreciate that the most important issues fall between these two.

Rupert Merson is an established author and expert in growth for owner managed businesses.

Read more about Rupert and the team
At the heart of many owner-managed businesses is an entrepreneur. That entrepreneurial spirit needs to be protected and nurtured as the business grows and matures.

Rupert Merson is an established author and expert in growth for owner managed businesses.

Read more about Rupert and the team
Businesses founded by teams grow faster and further than those founded by individuals. Successful entrepreneurs need to be team builders as well as business builders.

Rupert Merson is an established author and expert in growth for owner managed businesses.

Read more about Rupert and the team
Growth isn’t just about getting bigger. A growing business is a changing business and it needs to grow up as well as grow.

Rupert Merson is an established author and expert in growth for owner managed businesses.

Read more about Rupert and the team

our services

Our services draw on a unique blend of financial, organisational and developmental expertise to meet the growth challenges of our clients. When proposing solutions, we take advantage of the latest academic research and decades of experience.

Organisational development

Bigger businesses aren’t just bigger than smaller businesses, they are qualitatively as well as quantifiably different.

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Business planning for growth

Eisenhower was right when he observed that plans are useless but planning is indispensable.

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Business education

Skills training helps us with the skills gaps we know we need to fill, but business education helps us prepare for the challenges that will catch us by surprise.

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Governance advice

Governance isn’t just about rules, it’s about roles. Good governance complements and enhances good management and leadership.

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Developing the management team

There are three obstacles to growth in the owner-managed business – the owner, the manager and the owner-manager. Sort these three out and everything else will look after itself.

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Non-executive directorship

Non-executive directors are a bit like bidets: no-one is really sure what they do but they add a bit of class.

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Succession planning

Succession is one of the most critical rites of passage for any owner-managed business. To make succession a success, start early.

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Conflict resolution

‘Don’t get upset – it’s business, not personal.’ But in the owner-managed business, isn’t everything personal?

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